Sunday, August 18, 2013

Awesome Anime, Hot Guys, New Music, and life.

For the past few weeks I've been really busy getting my stuff ready for college and moving in to my new apartment. I find it fascinating how easily someone can adapt in a new environment and how easily it becomes the most comfortable place you've ever been. Although I came to love my apartment, I came back to my hometown for the weekend because I needed to go the dermatologist. Having a hormone problem is really hard. Not only did I start to grow facial hair ( TMI I know) but since my hormones were going crazy, I felt like my world was ending. Even though I told myself it wasn't that bad, I just couldn't help but tear up. Stupid hormones. Anyways, going back home to my apartment tomorrow, and can't wait since my roommates are already there. The one thing I'm not excited about are the cockroaches we found when we moved in. They were crawling on the sink and kitchen counters. One of my roommates and I decided to launch an all out war against them, and hopefully by the time we return most of the will be dead, so we can begin to clean the back of the stove since that is where they made their nest. Have to take it one step at a time.

Okay, enough of the boring part. Started to watch the anime Attack on Titan, which people have been raving about, and holy shit I get why! It's awesome! Hadn't been this excited for an anime since Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. So good I even started reading the manga. They're making a movie and if it looks as good as the fan-made poster, sign me up! Enough about how awesome it is. Here are some pictures!

On another topic, I've been trying to find new music to listen to that is similar to Great Night Alumni. I need some new music that I can listen to while I study. If anybody would be kind enough to recommend any!

Alright, that's it for this one. We'll see when I write next time. Maybe I'll write about college and experiences. Not sure yet.

Song: Shout by Tears for Fears

I'll leave with pictures of Matt Andersen, an USA Olympic Volleyball player who I've been drooling over for the past few days. Hot damn.

Photo Source: All credit for these pictures go to the original owners.

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